10.2018年中国卫生政策与管理学会卓越奖(CHPAMS Inspiration Award);
13.2015年China Agricultural Economic Review十佳引用论文奖;
20.2018年主办“养育未来 从0开始-2018年儿童早期发展国际论坛”,中国西安;
1.Yuxiu Ding, Xiangzhe Chen, Hongyu Guan*, Kang Du, Yunyun Zhang,Yaojiang Shi. To investigate the individual and household-level factors influencing the willingness to pay for cataract surgery among patients aged 50 years and older in rural China: a cross-sectional study. BMJ Open, 2023,13:e069985.
2.AiYue,ManlinCui,Zhengliang,Yaojiang Shi*, Cui Guo, Qiannan Song. Formula feeding: Evidence for health, nutrition and early childhood development during the critical first 1000 days from rural China.Journal of Asian Economics, 2023, 85: 101580.
3.KangDu, Jiaqi Zhu, Hongyu Guan*,Yunyun Zhang, Huan Wang, Decai Wang,Yaojiang Shi.Factors associated with the spectacle wear compliance among primary school students with refractive error in rural China. Ophthalmic Epidemiology, 2023, 30(1): 17-26.
4.Yuxiu Ding,ShijiaHao,HongyuGuan*,Yunyun Zhang,Yaojiang Shi, Liangshan Lv.Relationship between visual impairment and school entrance age in rural China[J]. Clinical and Experimental Optometry, 2023: 1-8.
5.YuxiuDing, HongyuGuan *, KangDu, YunyunZhang, ZhijieWang,YaojiangShi.Asthenopia prevalence and vision impairment severity among students attending online classes in low-income areas of western China during the COVID-19 pandemic Hong Kong Med J, 2023, 29(2): 150-7.
6.HongyuGuan, ZhijieWang, YuxiuDing, YunyunZhang, KangDu,YaojiangShi.Association between visual impairment and body mass index in students from rural China. Singapore Medical Journal, 2023.
7.Qiufeng Gao,Meili Liu,Lanxi Peng,Yang Zhang,Yaojiang Shi*,Dirk E. Teuwen&Hongmei Yi.Patient satisfaction and its health provider-related determinants in primary health facilities in rural China[J]. BMC Health Services Research, 2022, 22(1): 1-12.
8.KangDu, JuerongHuang, HongyuGuan*, JinZhao, YunyunZhang,YaojiangShi. Teacher-to-parent communication and vision care-seeking behaviour among primary school students[J]. Hong Kong Med J, 2022, 28(2): 152-60.
9.HanLiu, Lucy F.Ackert, FangChang*, Ruth UwaifoOyelere, LiQi &Yaojiang Shi. Childhood trauma among Chinese inmates. China Economic Review, 2022,73, 101794.
10.Hani Fatima, Shuhang Zhao,AiYue, Shanshan Li* &Yaojiang Shi. Parental discipline and early childhood development in rural china. Sustainability, 2022, 14.
11.Sean Sylvia, Xiaochen Ma*,Yaojiang Shi& Scott Rozelle. Ordeal mechanisms, information, and the cost-effectiveness of strategies to provide subsidized eyeglasses.Journal of Health Economics, 2022, 82.
12.Jingchun Nie,Yaojiang Shi& Hao Xue*, Why is a special section" Healthcare in Mainland China" so crucial for HKMJ?. Hong Kong Medical Journal, 2022, 28(1)
13.Yunyun Zhang, Tianli Yang, Hongyu Guan*, Kang Du, Yuxiu Ding, Decai Wang, &Yaojiang Shi. Factors influencing post-screening visits of students to local vision centres in rural northwest China. Clinical and Experimental Optometry, 2021, 1-7.
14.Ai Yue, Xia Luo, Miqi Jia, Boya Wang, Qiufeng Gao*,Yaojiang Shi &Shun Wang. Concurrent validity of the MacArthur communicative development inventory, the Ages and Stages Questionnaires and the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development: A study in rural China.Infant and Child Development, 2021: e2219.
15.Jingchun Nie, Lifang Zhang, Shuyi Song, Andrew John Hartnett, Jie Yang* &Yaojiang Shi. Exclusive breastfeeding in rural Western China: does father’s co-residence matter?,BMC Public Health, 2021, 21(1): 1-10.
16.Qingzhi Wang, Sasmita Poudel Adhikari, Yuju Wu, Thankam S. Sunil, Yuping Mao, Ruixue Ye, Chang Sun,Yaojiang Shi, Chengchao Zhou, Sean Sylvia, Scott Rozelle & Huan Zhou*.Consultation length, process quality and diagnosis quality of primary care in rural China: A cross-sectional standardized patient study,Patient Education and Counseling, 2021.
17.Shriyam Gupta*, Chengfang Liub, Shaoping Lib, Fang Chang &Yaojiang Shi.Impact of Ability-Tracking on Student’s Academic and Non-Academic Outcomes: Empirical Evidence from Junior High Schools in China,International Association of Agricultural Economists, 2021.
18.Yunyun Zhang, Hongyu Guan*, Kang Du, Jin Zhao,Yaojiang Shi, Huan Wang & Decai Wang.Effects of Vision Health Education and Free Eyeglasses on Knowledge of Vision and Usage of Spectacles Among Primary School Students: Evidence from Gansu and Shaanxi Provinces in China,Risk management and healthcare policy, 2021, 1449-1464.
19.Qiufeng Gao, Yang Zhang, Wei Nie, Han Liu, Huan Wang* &Yaojiang Shi.It all starts at home:‘Home reading environment and reading outcomes in rural China’,Journal of Research in Reading,2021.
20.Han Liu, LucyF.Ackert, Fang Chang, Li Qi, &Yaojiang Shi*.Social division, trust, and reciprocity among chinese inmates,Research in Economics, 2021,75.
21.Fang Chang, Christopher D. Brooks, Matthew G. Springer*, Han Liu &Yaojiang Shi.The effect of participation in a performance pay program on teacher opinions toward performance pay in rural China,Education Economics, 2021.
22.Ai Yue, Qian Jiao, Xin Lyu, Yu Gan, Lei Tang*, Jiyou Yang,Yaojiang Shi& Henry Wilson-Smith.Sibling struggles: the impact of siblings upon child development in rural China,Early Child Development and Care, 2021.
23.Jingchun Nie, Lifang Zhang, Jiayuan Gao, Jason Li, Qian Zhou,Yaojiang Shi, Sean Sylvia*, Nathan Congdon.Using incognito standardised patients to evaluate quality of eye care in China.British Journal of Ophthalmology, 2021, 105(3): 311-316.
24.Xiaochen Ma, Huan Wang,Yaojiang Shi*, Sean Sylvia, Lei Wang, Yiwei Qian, Scott Rozelle.Improving learning by improving vision: evidence from two randomized controlled trials of providing vision care in China.Journal of Development Effectiveness, 2021: 1-27
25.Han Liu, Fang Chang, Hannah Corn, Yi Zhang,Yaojiang Shi*.The impact of parental migration on non-cognitive abilities of left behind children in northwestern China.Journal of Asian Economics, 2021, 72: 101261
26.Xinyue He, Huan Wang*, Fang Chang, Sarah-Eve Dill, Han Liu,Bin Tang,Yaojiang Shi.IQ, grit, and academic achievement: Evidence from rural China.International Journal of Educational Development, 2021, 80: 102306
27.Bin Tang, Yue Wang, YujuanGao, Shijin Wu &Yaojiang Shi.The Effect of Boarding on the Mental Health of Primary School Students in Western Rural China, International journal of environmental research and public health,2020,17(21).
28.Yaojiang Shi, Wei Nie, Ming Mu, Shuyi Song & Jingchun Nie. What can children learn from a free trial of eyeglasses use? evidence from a clusterrandomized controlled trial in rural china,Inquiry: a Journal of Medical Care Organization, Provision and Financing, 2020.
29.Wenbin Min, Wei Nie, Shuyi Song, Jingchun Nie &Yaojiang Shi.Associations between Maternal and Infant Illness and the Risk of Postpartum Depression in Rural China: A Cross-Sectional Observational Study,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17(24):9489.
30.Sean Sylvia, Hongmei Yi, Hao Xue,Yaojiang Shi, Gordon G Liu & Paul Eliason.Civil Service Versus Fixed-Term Contracts: Evidence from Physician Supply of Primary Care,9th Annual Conference of the American Society of Health Economists, 2020.
31.Qiufeng Gao, Lanxi Peng, Wenbin Min, Jingchun Nie &Yaojiang Shi.Regularity of clinical visits and medication adherence of patients with hypertension or diabetes in rural Yunnan province of China,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17(24): 9297.
32.Xinyue He*, Huan Wang*,Dimitris Friesen,Yaojiang Shi,Fang Chang, Han Liu,Cognitive ability and academic performance among left-behind children: evidence from rural China. Compare:A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 2020: 1-17.
33.Ying Li, Lei Tang, Yu Bai*, Shuhang Zhao,Yaojiang Shi,Reliability and validity of the Caregiver Reported Early Development Instruments (CREDI) in impoverished regions of China.BMC pediatrics, 2020, 20(1): 1-16
34.Huan Zhou, Yuju Wu, Chengfang Liu*, Chang Sun,Yaojiang Shi,Linxiu Zhang, Alexis Medina, Scott Rozelle.Conditional Cash Transfers, Uptake of Maternal and Child Health Services, and Health Outcomes in Western Rural China.BMC Public Health. 2020, 20:870
35.Yu Bai, Michael Neubauer, Tong Ru,Yaojiang Shi*, Kaleigh Kenny & Scott Rozelle.Impact of Second-Parent Migration on Student Academic Performance in Northwest China and its Implications,The Journal of Development Studies, 2020, 56:8, 1523-1540.
36.Wang Boya, Luo Xia, Yue Ai, Tang Lei,Shi Yaojiang.Family environment in rural china and the link with early childhood development.Early Child Development and Care,2020, (1), 1-14.
37.Wu Yuju, Huan Zhou, Xiao Ma,Yaojiang Shi, Hao Xue, Chengchao Zhou, Hongmei Yi, Alexis Medina, Jason Li, and Sean Sylvia. Using Standardised Patients to Assess the Quality of Medical Records: An Application and Evidence from Rural China.BMJ Quality & Safety,2020, 29 (6): 491–98.
38.Gao Qiufeng, Wang Huan, Chang Fang, An Qi,Shi Yaojiang.Feeling bad and doing bad: student confidence in reading in rural China.Compare, 2020(4):1-20.
39.Di Mo, Yu Bai*,Yaojiang Shi, Cody Abbey, Linxiu Zhang, Scott Rozelle, Prashant Loyalka. Institutions, implementation, and program effectiveness: Evidence from a randomized evaluation of computer-assisted learning in rural China.Journal of Development Economics, 2020.
40.Fang Chang, Huan Wang, Yaqiong Qu, Qiang Zheng,Prashant Loyalka, Sean Sylvia,Yaojiang Shi*,Sarah-Eve Dill, Scott Rozelle.The impact of pay-for-percentile incentive on low-achieving students in rural China.Economics of Education Review, 2020, 75: 101954.
41.Ai Yue, Yu Bai*,Yaojiang Shi, Renfu Luo, Scott Rozelle, Alexis Medina, Sean Sylvia. Parental Migration and Early Childhood Development in Rural China.Demography, 2020, 1-20.
42.Jin Zhao, Hongyu Guan*, Kang Du, Matthew Boswe,Yaojiang Shi, Scott Rozelle, Nathan Congdon, Annie Osborn. Visual impairment and spectacles ownership among upper secondary school students in northwestern China.Hong Kong Medical Journal, 2020, 26 (1): 35-43.
43.Qiufeng Gao, Huan Wang, Scott Rozelle,Yaojiang Shi& Jason Li. School-based reading interventions for improving reading skills and educational outcomes on primary school students in low-and middle-income countries: a systematic,The Campbell Collaboration, 2019.
44.Qiufeng Gao, Huan Wang, Fang Chang, Hongmei Yi*,Yaojiang Shi. Reading achievement in China’s rural primary schools: a study of three provinces.Educational Studies, 2019, 1-25.
45.Hao Xue, Jingchun Nie,Yaojiang Shi*.Crucial role of primary healthcare professionals in the assessment and diagnosis of dementia.Hong Kong Medical Journal, 2019, 25(6): 427–428.
46.Yuju Wu, Huan Zhou*, Xiao Ma,Yaojiang Shi, Hao Xue, Chengchao Zhou, Hongmei Yi, Alexis Medina, Jason Li, Sean Sylvia. Using standardised patients to assess the quality of medical records: an application and evidence from rural China.BMJ Quality & Safety, 2019, 0: 1-8.
47.Hongmei Yi*, Di Mo, Huan Wang, Qiufeng Gao,Yaojiang Shi, Paiou Wu, Cody Abbey, Scott Rozelle. Do Resources Matter? Effects of an In‐Class Library Project on Student Independent Reading Habits in Primary Schools in Rural China.Reading Research Quarterly, 2019, 54(3): 383-411.
48.Fang Chang,Yaojiang Shi*, Amber Shen, Asa Kohrman, Katherine Li, Qinqin Wan, Kaleigh Kenny, Scott Rozelle. Understanding the Situation of China's Left‐Behind Children: A Mixed‐Methods Analysis.The Developing Economies, 2019, 57(1): 3-35.
49.Lili Li, Fang Chang*,Yaojiang Shi, Scott Rozelle. Old is not always better: evidence from five randomized experiments in rural primary schools in China.Journal of Development Effectiveness, 2019, 11(1): 68-88.
50.Ai Yue, Qi Jiang, Biaoyue Wang, Cody Abbey, Alexis Medina,Yaojiang Shi*, Scott Rozelle.Concurrent validity of the Ages and Stages Questionnaire and the Bayley Scales of Infant Development III in China.PloS ONE, 2019, 14(9): 1-20.
51.Shanshan Li, Ai Yue*, Cody Abbey, Alexis Medina,Yaojiang Shi.Breastfeeding and the Risk of Illness among Young Children in Rural China.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019, 16 (1): 136.
52.Prashant Loyalka, Sean Sylvia*, Chengfang Liu, James Chu,Yaojiang Shi. Pay by Design: Teacher Performance Pay Design and the Distribution of Student Achievement,Journal of Labor Economics, 2019, 37(3): 621-662.
53.Meichen Lu, Prashant Loyalka,Yaojiang Shi*, Fang Chang, Chengfang Liu, Scott Rozelle. The impact of teacher professional development programs on student achievement in rural China: evidence from Shaanxi Province,Journal of Development Effectiveness, 2019, 11(2): 105-131.
54.Ai Yue,Yaojiang Shi, Renfu Luo, Boya Wang, Ann Weber, Alexis Medina, Sarah Kotb, Scott Rozelle. Stimulation and Early Child Development in China: Caregiving at Arm’s Length,Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 2019, 40(6): 458-467.
55.Hongyan Liu, Hao Xue,Yaojiang Shi*, Scott Rozelle. The academic performance of primary school students from rural China: Distribution and correlates,China Agricultural Economic Review, 2019, 11(2): 253-279.
56.Hongyu Guan, Ning Neil Yu*, Huan Wang, Matthew Boswe,Yaojiang Shi, Scott Rozelle, Nathan Congdon. Impact of various types of near work and time spent outdoors at different times of day on visual acuity and refractive error among Chinese school-going children.PLoS ONE, 2019, 14(4): e0215827.
57.Fang Chang, Yuxi Jiang, Prashant Loyalka, James Chu,Yaojiang Shi*, Annie Osborn, Scott Rozelle. Parental migration, educational achievement, and mental health of junior high school students in rural China,China Economic Review, 2019, 54: 337-349.
58.Renfu Luo, Fang Jia, Ai Yue*, Linxiu Zhang, Qijia Lyu, Yaojiang Shi, Meredith Yang, Alexis Medina, Sarah Kotb, Scott Rozelle. Passive parenting and its association with early child development.Early Child Development and Care, 2019, 89(10), 1709-1723.
59.Lei Wang, Nathan Congdon, Ruth E Hogg, Siqi Zhang, Mengjie Li,Yaojiang Shi*, Ling Jin, Fei He, Huan Wang, Matthew Boswell, Mony Iyer.The cost‐effectiveness of alternative vision screening models among preschool children in rural China.Acta ophthalmologica, 2018,https://doi.org/10.1111/aos.13954.
60.Hao Xue,Yaojiang Shi, Lei Huang, Hongmei Yi, Huan Zhou*, Chengchao Zhou, Sarah Kotb, Joseph D Tucker, Sean Y Sylvia. Diagnostic ability and inappropriate antibiotic prescriptions: a quasi-experimental study of primary care providers in rural China.Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 2019, 74(1): 256-263.
61.Sean Sylvia, Xiaochen Ma,Yaojiang Shi, Scott Rozelle & C.-Y. Cynthia Lin Lawell. Ordeal mechanisms, information, and the cost-effectiveness of subsidies: evidence from subsidized eyeglasses in rural China,arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.00383, 2018.
62.Yue Ma, Yujuan Gao, Yue Wang, Haoyang Li, Lina Ma, Jiangchao Jing,Yaojiang Shi, Hongyu Guan*, Nathan Congdon. Impact of a Local Vision Care Center on Glasses Ownership and Wearing Behavior in Northwestern Rural China: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2018, 15 (12): 2783.
63.Hongyu Guan, Huan Wang*, Kang Du, Jin Zhao, Matthew Boswell,Yaojiang Shi, Yiwei Qian*. The Effect of Providing Free Eyeglasses on Children’s Mental Health Outcomes in China: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2018, 15 (12): 2749.
64.Hao Xue, Jennifer Hager, Qi An, Kai Liu, Jing Zhang, Emma Auden, Bingyan Yang, Jie Yang, Hongyan Liu, Jingchun Nie*, Aiqin Wang*, Chengchao Zhou,Yaojiang Shi, Sean Sylvia.The Quality of Tuberculosis Care in Urban Migrant Clinics in China.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2018, 15(9): 2037.
65.Yue Ma, Nathan Congdon,Yaojiang Shi*, Ruth Hogg, Alexis Medina, Matthew Boswell, Scott Rozelle, Mony Iyer. Effect of a local vision care center on eyeglasses use and school performance in rural china: A cluster randomized clinical trial.Jama Ophthalmology, 2018, 136(7): 731-737.
66.Lili Li, Lei Huang,Yaojiang Shi*, Renfu Luo, Meredith Yang, Scott Rozelle. Anemia and student's educational performance in rural Central China: Prevalence, correlates and impacts.China Economic Review, 2018, 51: 283-293.
67.Hao Xue,Yaojiang Shi, Lei Huang, Hongmei Yi, Huan Zhou, Chengchao Zhou*, Sarah Kotb, Joseph D Tucker, Sean Sylvia. Drivers of inappropriate antibiotic prescriptions: a quasi-experimental study of antibiotic prescription by primary care providers in rural China [Abstract].The Lancet-CAMS Health Summit, 2018, 392: S40.
68.Hao Xue, Gordon Liu*,Yaojiang Shi, Jingchun Nie, Emma Auden, Sean Sylvia.How does physician gender influence primary care quality? evidence from a standardised patient audit study in China[Abstract].The Lancet-CAMS Health Summit, 2018, 392: S66.
69.Lei Wang, Wenbin Min, Siqi Zhang,Yaojiang Shi*, Scott Rozelle.Math and Chinese-Language Learning: Where Are China’s Vulnerable Subpopulations?Asian Survey, 2018, 58(5): 797-821.
70.Hongyan Liu,Yaojiang Shi*, Emma Auden, Scott Rozelle. Anxiety in rural Chinese children and adolescents: comparisons across provinces and among subgroups.International journal of environmental research and public health, 2018, 15(10): 2087.
71.Qiufeng Gao,Yaojiang Shi, Di Mo, Jingchun Nie, Meredith Yang, Scott Rozelle, Sean Sylvia*. Medical waste management in three areas of rural China.PLoS ONE, 2018, 13(7): e0200889.
72.Qiufeng Gao, Huan Wang*, Di Mo,Yaojiang Shi, Kaleigh Kenny, Scott Rozelle. Can reading programs improve reading skills and academic performance in Rural China?China Economic Review, 2018
73.Yu Bai, Linxiu Zhang, Chengfang Liu*,Yaojiang Shi, Di Mo, Scott Rozelle. Effect of parental migration on the academic performance of left behind children in North Western China.The Journal of Development Studies, 2018, 54(7): 1154-1170.
74.Fan Li, Prashant Loyalka, Hongmei Yi,Yaojiang Shi*, Natalie Johnson, Scott Rozelle. Ability tracking and social trust in China’s rural secondary school system.School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 2018: 1-28.
75.Hongyu Guan, Huan Wang*, Juerong Huang, Kang Du, Jin Zhao, Matthew Boswell,Yaojiang Shi, Mony Iver, Scott Rozelle. Health seeking behavior among rural left-behind children: evidence from Shaanxi and Gansu Provinces in China.International journal of environmental research and public health, 2018, 15(5).
76.Yue Ma, Nathan Congdon,Yaojiang Shi*, Ruth Hogg, Alexis Medina, Matthew Boswell, Scott Rozelle, Mony lyer. Effect of a local vision care center on glasses use and school performance in rural China: a cluster-randomized controlled trial.JAMA Ophthalmology, 2018, 136(7): 731–737.
77.Yang Song*, George Loewenstein,Yaojiang Shi. Heterogeneous effects of peer tutoring: Evidence from rural Chinese middle schools.Research in Economics, 2018, 72(1): 33-48.
78.Yaojiang shi, Hongmei Yi, Huan Zhou, Chengchao Zhou & Hao Xue. The quality of primary care and correlates among grassroots providers in rural China: a cross-sectional standardized patient study,The Lancet, 2017, 390.
79.James Chu, Prashant Loyalka, Wang Huan &Yaojiang Shi. Discrimination Based on Gender and Prior Grades: Results from a Field Experiment. 2017.
80.Yaojiang Shi, John James Kennedy*. Missing Girls, Indirect Measures and Critical Assumptions: A Response to Yong Cai’s Comments.The China Quarterly, 2017, 231: 804-810.
81.Ai Yue, Bin Tang,Yaojiang Shi, Jingjing Tang, Guanminjia Shang, Alexis Medina, Scott Rozelle*. Rural education across China’s 40 years of reform: past successes and future challenges.China Agricultural Economic Review, 2017.
82.Ai Yue,Yaojiang Shi, Renfu Luo, Jamie Chen, James Garth, Jimmy Zhang, Alexis Medina, Sarah Kotb, Scott Rozelle*.China’s Invisible Crisis: Cognitive Delays among Rural Toddlers and the Absence of Modern Parenting.The China Journal, 2017, 78(1): 50-80.
83.Ai Yue,Yaojiang Shi, Renfu Luo*, Linxiu Zhang, Natalie Johnson, Scott Rozelle, Qiran Zhao, The impact of investment on drinking water quality in rural China.China Agricultural Economic Review, 2017, 9(2): 255-269.
84.Ai Yue, Xiaohong Wang, Sha Yang,Yaojiang Shi*, Renfu Luo, Qi Zhang, Kaleigh Kenny, Scott Rozelle.The relationship between infant peer interactions and cognitive development: Evidence from rural China.Chinese Journal of Sociology, 2017, 3(2): 193-207.
85.Aiqin Wang, Linxiu Zhang,Yaojiang Shi*, Scott Rozelle, Annie Osborn, Meredith Yang. Rural Solid Waste Management in China: Status, Problems and Challenges.Sustainability, 2017, 9(4): 506-524.
86.Sean Sylvia, Hao Xue, Chengchao Zhou*,Yaojiang Shi, Hongmei Yi, Huan Zhou, Scott Rozelle, Madhukar Pai, Jishnu Das. Tuberculosis detection and the challenges of integrated care in rural China: A cross-sectional standardized patient study.PLOS Medicine, 2017.
87.Renfu Luo, Ai Yue*, Huan Zhou,Yaojiang Shi, Linxiu Zhang, Reynaldo Martorell, Alexis Medina, Scott Rozelle, Sean Sylvia. The effect of a micronutrient powder home fortification program on anemia and cognitive outcomes among young children in rural China: a cluster randomized trial.BMC Public Health, 2017, 17: 738.
88.Yu Bai, Linxiu Zhang, Chengfang Liu*,Yaojiang Shi, Di Mo, Scott Rozelle. Effect of Parental Migration on the Academic Performance of Left-behind Children in Ethnic Minority Areas of Rural China.The Journal of Development Studies, 2017.
89.Fan Li, Yingquan Song, Hongmei Yi, Jianguo Wei, Linxiu Zhang,Yaojiang Shi*, James Chu, Natalie Johnson, Prashant Loyalka, Scott Rozelle. The impact of conditional cash transfers on the matriculation of junior high school students into rural China’s high schools.Journal of Development Effectiveness, 2017, 9(1): 41-60.
90.Ai Yue, Sean Sylvia, Yu Bai,Yaojiang Shi, Renfu Luo & Scott Rozelle. The effect of maternal migration on early childhood development in rural China,Available at SSRN 2890108, 2016.
91.Hua Zhou, Di Mo*, Chengchao Zhou, Alexis Medina,Yaojiang Shi, Linxiu Zhang, Scott Rozelle. The gender gap among school children in poor rural areas of western China: evidence from a multi-province dataset.International Journal of Equity in Health, 2016, 15: 162.
92.Yaojiang Shi, John James Kennedy*. Delayed registration and identifying the “missing girls” in China,China Quarterly, 2016, 228: 1018-1038.
93.Fang Chang,Yaojiang Shi*, Hongmei Yi, Natalie Johnson. Adult child migration and elderly parental health in rural China,China Agricultural Economic Review, 2016, 8(4): 677-697.
94.Huan Wang, James Chu*, Prashant Loyalka, Tao Xin,Yaojiang Shi, Qinghe Qu, Chu Yang. Can social–emotional learning reduces school dropout in developing countries?Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 2016, 35(4): 818-847.
95.Hao Xue,Yaojiang Shi*, Alexis Medina. Who are rural China’s village clinicians?China Agricultural Economic Review, 2016, 8(4): 662-676.
96.Fang Lai, Linxiu Zhang, Yu Bai, Chengfang Liu*,Yaojiang Shi, Fang Chang, Scott Rozelle. More is not always better: evidence from a randomized experiment of computer-assisted learning in rural minority schools in Qinghai,Journal of Development Effectiveness, 2016, 8(4): 449-472.
97.Yaojiang Shi,Yu Bai, Yanni Shen, Kaleigh Kenny, Scott Rozelle*. Effects of parental migration on mental health of left-behind children: evidence from northwestern China,China & World Economy, 2016, 24(3): 105-122.
98.Aiqin Wang, Alexis Medina, Renfu Luo,Yaojiang Shi, Ai Yue*. To board or not to board: evidence from nutrition, health and education outcomes of students in rural China,China & World Economy, 2016, 24(3): 52-66.
99.Aiqin Wang,Yaojiang Shi*, Qiufeng Gao, Chengfang Liu, Linxiu Zhang, Natalie Johnson, Scott Rozelle. Trends and determinants of rural residential solid waste collection services in China,China Agricultural Economic Review, 2016, 8(4): 1-24.
100.Fang Chang, Wenbin Min,Yaojiang Shi*, Kaleigh Kenny, Prashant Loyalka. Educational expectations and dropout behavior among junior high students in rural China,China & World Economy, 2016, 24(3): 67-85.
101.Meichen Lu, Manlin Cui,Yaojiang Shi*, Fang Chang, Di Mo, Scott Rozelle, Natalie Johnson. Who drops out from primary schools in China? Evidence from minority-concentrated rural areas,Asia Pacific Education Review, 2016, 17(2): 235-252.
102.Chengfang Liu, Linxiu Zhang,Yaojiang Shi, Huan Zhou*, Alexis Medina, Scott Rozelle.Maternal health services in China’s western rural areas: uptake and correlates,China Agricultural Economic Review, 2016, 8(2): 250-276.
103.Ai Yue, Lauren Marsh, Huan Zhou*, Alexis Medina, Renfu Luo,Yaojiang Shi, Linxiu Zhang, Kaleigh Kenny, Scott Rozelle.Nutritional deficiencies, the absence of information and caregiver shortcomings: a qualitative analysis of infant feeding practices in rural China,PLoS ONE, 2016, 11(4).
104.Huan Zhou, Shuai Sun, Renfu Luo*, Sean Sylvia, Ai Yue,Yaojiang Shi, Linxiu Zhang, Alexis Medina, Scott Rozelle.Impact of text message reminders on caregivers’ adherence to a home fortification program against child anemia in rural western China: a cluster-randomized controlled trial,American Journal of Public Health, 2016,106(7): 1256-1262.
105.Jessica Hsiaochieh Chu, Prashant Loyalka, James Chu, Qinghe Qu,Yaojiang Shi& Guirong Li. The impact of teacher credentials on student achievement in China,China Economic Review, 2015, 36: 14-24.
106.Xiaochen Ma, Nathan Congdon, Hongmei Yi, Zhongqiang Zhou, Xiaopeng Pang, Mirjam E Meltzer,Yaojiang Shi, Mingguang He, Yizhi Liu & Scott Rozelle. Safety of spectacles for children's vision: a cluster-randomized controlled trial,American journal of ophthalmology, 2015, 160(5): 897-904.
107.Fang Lai, Linxiu Zhang, Qinghe Qu, Xiao Hu,Yaojiang Shi, Matthew Boswell & Scott Rozelle. Teaching the language of wider communication, minority students, and overall educational performance: Evidence from a randomized experiment in Qinghai Province, China,Economic Development and Cultural Change, 2015, 63(4): 753-776.
108.Zhongqiang Zhou, Xiaochen Ma, Hongmei Yi, Xiaopeng Pang,Yaojiang Shi, Qianyun Chen, Mirjam E Meltzer, Carlos Price-Sanchez, Mingguang He, Scott Rozelle, Ian Morgan & Nathan Congdon. Factors underlying different myopia prevalence between middle-and low-income provinces in China,Ophthalmology, 2015, 122(5): 1060-1062.
109.Prashant Loyalka, Xiaoting Huang, Linxiu Zhang, Jianguo Wei, Hongmei Yi, Yingquan Song*,Yaojiang Shi, James Chu. The impact of vocational schooling on human capital development in developing countries: evidence from China,The World Bank Economic Review, 2015, 30(1): 143-170.
110.Yaojiang Shi, Linxiu Zhang, Scott Rozelle*. When will we ever learn ... to change policy: current state of impact evaluation,Journal of Development Effectiveness, 2015, 7(4): 402-422?
111.Yaojiang Shi,Linxiu Zhang*, Yue Ma, Hongmei Yi, Chengfang Liu, Natalie Johnson, James Chu, Prashant Loyalka, Scott Rozelle. Dropping out of Rural China’s Secondary Schools: A Mixed-Methods Analysis,China Quarterly, 2015, 224:1048-1069.
112.Di Mo, Weiming Huang,Yaojiang Shi*, Linxiu Zhang, Matthew Boswell, Scott Rozelle. Computer technology in education: Evidence from a pooled study of computer assisted learning programs among rural students in China,China Economic Review, 2015, 36:131-145.
113.Chengchao Zhou*, Sean Sylvia, Linxiu Zhang, Renfu Luo, Hongmei Yi, Chengfang Liu,Yaojiang Shi, Prashant Loyalka, James Chu, Alexis Medina, Scott Rozelle. China’s left-behind children: impact of parental migration on health, nutrition, and educational outcomes,Health Affairs, 2015, 34(11): 1964-1971.
114.Renfu Luo,Yaojiang Shi, Huan Zhou*, Ai Yue, Linxiu Zhang, Sean Sylvia, Alexis Medina, Scott Rozelle.Micronutrient deficiencies and developmental delays among infants: evidence from a cross-sectional survey in rural China,BMJ Open, 2015, 5(10): 1-8.
115.Hongmei Yi, Linxiu Zhang *, Yezhou Yao, Aiqin Wang, Yue Ma,Yaojiang Shi, James Chu, Prashant Loyalka, Scott Rozelle. Exploring the dropout rates and causes of dropout in upper-secondary technical and vocational education and training (TVET) schools in China,International Journal of Educational Development, 2015, 42: 115-123.
116.WangHuan, Chu Yang, Fei He,Yaojiang Shi*, Qinghe Qu, Scott Rozelle, James Chu. Mental health and dropout behavior: A cross-sectional study of junior high students in northwest rural China,International Journal of Educational Development, 2015, 41: 1-12.
117.Hongmei Yi, Yingquan Song, Chengfang Liu*, Xiaoting Huang, Linxiu Zhang, Yunli Bai, Baoping Ren,Yaojiang Shi, Prashant Loyalka, James Chu, Scott Rozelle.Giving kids a head start: the impact and mechanisms of early commitment of financial aid on poor students in rural China,Journal of Development Economics, 2015, 113: 1-15.
118.Yunfan Yang,Huan Wang,Linxiu Zhang,Sean Sylvia,Renfu Luo*,Yaojiang Shi,Wei Wang, Scott Rozelle. The Han-minority achievement gap, language and returns to schools in rural China,Economic Development and Cultural Change, 2015, 63(2): 319-359.
119.Hongmei Yi, Linxiu Zhang, Xiaochen Ma, Nathan Congdon,Yaojiang Shi,Xiaopeng Pang, Junxia Zeng, Lei Wang, Matthew Boswell, Soctt Rozelle. Poor vision among China’s rural primary school students: Prevalence, correlates and consequences,China Economic Review, 2015, 33: 247-262.
120.Fei He,Yaojiang Shi*, Renfu Luo, Linxiu Zhang, Natalie Johnson, Scott Rozelle. Irrigation Investment in China: Trends, correlates and impacts,China Agriculture Economic Review, 2015, 3: 344-359.
121.Di Mo*, Linxiu Zhang, Jinxia Wang, Weiming Huang,Yaojiang Shi, Matthew Boswell, Scott Rozelle. Persistence of learning gains from computer assisted learning: Experimental evidence from China,Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 2015, 31(6): 562-581.
122.Nathan G Congdon, Xiaochen Ma, Zhongqiang Zhou, Hongmei Yi, Xiaopeng Pang,Yaojiang Shi, Qianyun Chen, Mirjam Meltzer, Mingguang He & Scott Rozelle. Provision of spectacles improves academic performance of primary school children in a randomized trial in China,Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 2014, 55(13): 3625-3625.
123.Sean Sylvia,Yaojiang Shi*, Hao Xue, Xin Tian, Huan Wang, Qingmei Liu, Alexis Medina and Scott Rozelle. Survey using incognito standardized patients shows poor quality care in China’s rural clinics,Health Policy and Planning, 2014, 30(3): 322-333.
124.Renfu Luo,Yaojiang Shi, Huan Zhou*, Ai Yue, Linxiu Zhang, Sean Sylvia, Alexis Medina, Scott Rozelle.Anemia and feeding practices among infants in rural Shaanxi province in China,Nutrients, 2014, 6: 5975-5991.
125.Wang Xiaobing, Chengfang Liu, Linxiu Zhang,Yaojiang Shi,Scott Rozelle*, Prashant Loyalka. Response to the commentary “reassessing disparity in access to higher education in contemporary China”,China Quarterly, 2014, 220: 1131-1135.
126.Bai Yunli, Hongmei Yi, Linxiu Zhang,Yaojiang Shi, Xiaochen Ma, Nathan Congdon, Zhongqiang Zhou, Matthew Boswell, Scott Rozelle. An investigation of vision problems and the vision care system in rural China,Southern East Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health,2014, 45(6): 1464-1473.
127.Xiaochen Ma, Zhongqiang Zhou, Hongmei Yi, Xiaopeng Pang,Yaojiang Shi, Qianyun Chen, Mirjam E. Meltzer, Saskia le Cessie, Mingguang He, Scott Rozelle, Yizhi Liu, Nathan Congdon*. Effect of providing free glasses on children’s educational outcomes in China: cluster randomized controlled trial,British Medical Journal, 2014, 349.
128.Ai Yue,Yaojiang Shi*, Fang Chang, Chu Yang, Huan Wang, Hongmei Yi*, Renfu Luo, Chengfang Liu, Linxiu Zhang, James Yanjey Chu, Scott Rozelle. Dormitory Management and Boarding Students in China’s Rural Elementary Schools,China Agricultural Economic Review, 2014, 6(3): 523-550.
129.Ho Lun Wong*,Yaojing Shi, Renfu Luo, Linxiu Zhang, Scott Rozelle.Improving the health and education of elementary schoolchildren in rural China: iron supplementation versus nutritional training for parents,Journal of Development Studies, 2014, 50(4): 502-519.
130.Prashant Loyalka, Chengfang Liu, Yingquan Song, Hongmei Yi*, Xiaoting Huang, Jianguo Wei, Linxiu Zhang,Yaojiang Shi, James Chu, Scott Rozelle. Can information and counseling help students from poor rural areas go to high school? Evidence from China,Journal of Comparative Economics, 2013, 41(4): 1012–1025.
131.SeanSylvia, Renfu Luo, Linxiu Zhang,Yaojiang Shi, Alexis Medina, Scott Rozelle.Do you get what you pay for with school-based health programs? Evidence from a child nutrition experiment in rural China,Economics of Education Review, 2013, 37: 1-12.
132.Xiaobing Wang, Chengfang Liu, Linxiu Zhang*,Yaojiang Shi, Scott Rozelle. College is a rich, Han, urban, male club: research notes from a census survey of four tier one colleges in China,China Quarterly, 2013, 214: 456470.
133.Wang, Xiaobing, Chengfang Liu, Linxiu Zhang*, Ai Yue,Yaojiang Shi, James Chu, Scott Rozelle. Does financial aid help poor students succeed in college?China Economic Review, 2013, 25: 27-43.
134.Yihua Yang, Xiao Hu, Qinghe Qu, Fang Lai,Yaojiang Shi*, Matthew Boswell, Scott Rozelle. Roots of tomorrow’s digital divide: documenting computer use and internet access in China’s elementary schools today,China & World Economy, 2013, 2(3): 1-20.
135.Xinxin Chen,Yaojiang Shi*, Di Mo, James Chu, Prashant Loyalka, Scott Rozelle. Impact of a senior high school tuition relief program on poor junior high school students in rural China,China & World Economy, 2013, 21(3): 1-20.
136.Linxiu Zhang, Max Kleiman-Weiner, Renfu Luo*,Yaojiang Shi, Reynaldo Martorell, Alexis Medina, Scott Rozelle. Multiple micronutrient supplementation reduces anemia and anxiety in rural China’s elementary school children,The Journal of Nutrition, 2013, 143(5): 640-647.
137.Fang Lai, Linxiu Zhang, Xiao Hu, Qinghe Qu,Yaojiang Shi*, Yajie Qiao, Matthew Boswell and Scott Rozelle. Computer assisted learning as extracurricular tutor? Evidence from a randomized experiment in rural boarding schools in Shaanxi,Journal of Development Effectiveness, 2013, 5(2): 208-231.
138.Chengfang Liu*, Linxiu Zhang, Jikun Huang, Renfu Luo, Hongmei Yi,Yaojiang Shi, Scott Rozelle. Project design, village governance and infrastructure quality in rural China,China Agricultural Economic Review, 2013, 5(2): 248 – 280.
139.Max Kleiman-Weiner, Renfu Luo*, Linxiu Zhang,Yaojiang Shi,Alexis Medina, Scott Rozelle.Eggs versus chewable vitamins: Which intervention can increase nutrition and test scores in rural China?China Economic Review, 2013, 24: 165-176.
140.Yaojiang Shi, Fang Chang, Xiaoqing Su, Renfu Luo, Liuxiu Zhang, Scott Rozelle. Parental training, anemia and the impact on the nutrition of female students in China’s poor rural elementary schools,China Agricultural Economic Review, 2012, 4(2): 151-167.
141.Grant Miller*, Renfu Luo, Linxiu Zhang, Sean Sylvia,Yaojiang Shi,Patricia Foo, Qiran Zhao, Reynaldo Martorell, Alexis Medina, Scott Rozelle. Effectiveness of provider incentives for anemia reduction in rural China: a cluster randomized trial,British Medical Journal, 2012, 345.
142.Renfu Luo,Yaojiang Shi*, Linxiu Zhang, Chengfang Liu, Scott Rozelle, Brian Sharbono, Ai Yue, Qiran Zhao, Reynaldo Martorell.Nutrition and educational performance in rural China’s elementary schools: results of a randomized control trial in Shaanxi Province,Economic Development and Cultural Change,2012, 60(4): 735-772.
143.Hongmei Yi*, Linxiu Zhang, Renfu Luo,Yaojiang Shi, Di Mo, Xinxin Chen, Carl Brinton, Scott Rozelle. Dropping out: why are students leaving junior high in China’s poor rural areas?International Journal of Educational Development, 2012, 32(4): 555-563.
144.Di Mo*, Hongmei Yi, Linxiu Zhang,Yaojiang Shi, Scott Rozelle, Alexis Medina. Transfer paths and academic performance: The primary school merger program in china,InternationalJournal of Educational Development, 2012, 32(3):423-431.
145.Renfu Luo, Linxiu Zhang, Chengfang Liu, Qiran Zhao,Yaojiang Shi,Scott Rozelle, Brian Sharbono. Behind before they begin:The challenge of Early childhood education in rural China,Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 2012, 37 (1): 55-64.
146.Renfu Luo,Yaojiang Shi*, Linxiu Zhang, Huiping Zhang, Grant Miller, Alexis Medina, Scott Rozelle.The limits of health and nutrition education: evidence from three randomized-controlled trials in rural China,CESifo Economic Studies, 2012,58(2): 385-404.
147.Xiaobing Wang, Chengfang Liu, Linxiu Zhang, Renfu Luo, Thomas Glauben,Yaojiang Shi,Scott Rozelle*, Brian Sharbono. What is keeping the poor out of college? Enrollment rates, educational barriers and college matriculation in China,China Agricultural Economic Review, 2011, 3(2): 131-149.
148.Matthew Boswell, Scott Rozelle*, Linxiu Zhang, Chengfang Liu, Renfu Luo,Yaojiang Shi. Conducting influential impact evaluations in China: the experience of the Rural Education Action Project,Journal of Development Effectiveness, 2011, 3(3): 420-430.
149.Renfu Luo, Xiaobing Wang, Linxiu Zhang, Chengfang Liu,Yaojiang Shi, Grant Miller, Scott Rozelle, Elaine Yu, Rrynaldo Martorell*. High anemia prevalence in western China,The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, 2011, 42(5): 1204-1213.
150.Chengfang Liu*, Linxiu Zhang, Renfu Luo, Xiaobing Wang, Scott Rozelle, Brian Sharbono, Jennifer Adams,Yaojiang Shi, Ai Yue, Hongbin Li, Thomas Glauben. Early commitment on financial aid and college decision making of poor students: evidence from a randomized evaluation in rural China,Economics of Education Review, 2011, 30: 627-640.
151.Renfu Luo, Linxiu Zhang*, Chengfang Liu, Qirao Zhao,Yaojiang Shi, Grant Miller, Elaine Yu, Brian Shaobono, Alexis Medina, Scott Rozelle, Reynaldo Martorell. Anemia among students of rural China’s elementary school: prevalence and correlates in Ningxia and Qinghai’s poor counties,Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition, 2011, 29 (5): 471-485.
152.Xiaobing Wang*, Chengfang Liu, Linxiu Zhang, Renfu Luo, Thomas Glauben,Yaojiang Shi, Scott Rozelle, Brian Sharbono. College education and the poor in China: documenting the hurdles to educational attainment and college matriculation,Asia Pacific Education Review, 2011, 12(4): 533-546.
153.Renfu Luo,Yaojiang Shi*, Linxiu Zhang, Chengfang Liu, Hongbin Li, Scott Rozelle, Brian Sharbono. Community service, educational performance and social responsibility in Northwest China,Journal of Moral Education, 2011, 40(2).
154.Renfu Luo*, Max Kleiman-Weiner, Scott Rezelle, Linxiu Zhang, Chengfang Liu, Brian Sharbono,Yaojiang Shi, Ai Yue, Reynaldo Martorell, Michelle Lee. Anemia in rural China’s elementary schools: prevalence and correlations in Shaanxi Province’s poor counties,Ecology of Food and Nutrition, 2010, 49 (5): 357-372.
155.Xinxin Chen,Yaojiang Shi*, Scott Rozelle. Does taking one step back get you two steps forward?The international journal of Education Development, 2009, 30(6): 544-559.
156.Chengfang Liu*, Linxiu Zhang, Renfu Luo, Scott Rozelle, Brian Sharbono,Yaojiang Shi. Development challenges, tuition barriers, and high school education in China,Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 2009, 4(4): 503-520.
157.Renfu Luo,Yaojiang Shi*, Linxiu Zhang, Chengfang Liu, Scott Rozelle, Brian Sharbono. Malnutrition in China’s rural boarding schools: the case of primary schools in Shaanxi Province,Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 2009, 4(29): 481-501.
158.Huixia Liu, Linxiu Zhang, Gale Summerfield,Yaojiang Shi. A gendered view of reforming health care access for farmers in China,China Agricultural Economic Review,2009, 1(2):194-211.
159.John James Kennedy, Scott Rozelle,Yaojiang Shi*. Elected leaders and collective land: farmers’ evaluation of leaders’ performance in rural China,Journal of Chinese Political Science, 2004, 9(1): 1-22.
4.石蓉,史耀疆,Bill Bikales,Ricardo Morel,随机干预实验在全球推动扶贫政策改善的经验,华东师范大学学报(教育科学版)2020,第38卷第8期,p110-125
31.史耀疆,John Kennedy,揭示性别谜团:对陕西“失踪女童”的实证解释,劳动经济研究,2017,第5卷第1期,p48-60
32.王欢,史耀疆*,王爱琴,Prashant Loyalka,Scott Rozelle,James Chu,农村教师对后进学生刻板印象的测量研究,经济学季刊,2017,第16卷第3期,p997-1010
34.史耀疆,闵文斌*,常芳,王欢,农村初中生学习焦虑现状及其与学业表现的关系, 中国心理卫生杂志,2016,第30卷第10期,p845-850
35.史耀疆,薛浩,王欢,Sean Sylvia,Alexis Medina,Scott Rozelle*,中国农村医生医疗服务质量的测量——基于标准化病人法的实验研究,劳动经济研究,2016,第4卷第02期,p48-71
37.易红梅,张林秀*,白钰,白云丽,马晓晨,史耀疆,Scott Rozelle,西部农村小学生视力不良影响因素分析,中国公共卫生,2015,第32卷第4期,p474-477
40.岳爱,易红梅*,史耀疆,张林秀,罗仁福,刘承芳,Scott Rozelle,新农合的认知水平与农民医疗支出和实际补偿比的关系研究——基于5省2020个农户的跟踪调查,卫生经济研究,2015,第01期,p60-63
43.张林秀,易红梅,罗仁福,刘承芳,史耀疆*,Scott Rozelle,中等收入陷阱的人力资本根源:中国案例,中国人民大学学报,2014,第28卷第3期,p8-18
46.史耀疆,王欢,罗仁福,张林秀,刘承芳,易红梅,岳爱,Scott Rozelle,营养干预对陕西贫困农村学生身心健康的影响研究,中国软科学,2013,第10期,p48-58
49.罗仁福,张林秀,王晓兵,易红梅,史耀疆,Scott Rozelle,家长健康信息干预对贫困农村学生贫血的影响,中国学校卫生,2013,第34卷第02期,p225-227
52.罗仁福,张林秀,赵启然,易红梅,史耀疆,Scott Rozelle,陕西贫困农村寄宿学校小学生贫血情况调查,中国学校卫生,2011,第32卷第10期,p1257-1258
60.史耀疆*,任保平,王生龙,J.J. Kennedy,选举提名方式与土地管理体制:村民对村领导行为及其绩效的评价,经济研究,2004,第9期,p110-117
61.史耀疆*,王生龙,J.J. Kennedy,农村土地民主管理绩效研究,经济学动态,2004,第6期,p66-68
62.史耀疆*,高帆,任保平,J.J. Kennedy,中国农村民主选举中的提名方式及实施绩效分析,管理世界,2004,第1期,p62-70+155
4.史耀疆,汤蕾,岳爱,关宏宇,乔娜 杜康,0-3岁婴幼儿早期阅读的理论与实践,华东师范大学出版社,2022
10.John James Kennedy,Yaojiang Shi, “Lost and Found: the ‘Missing Girls in Rural China’”, Oxford University Press, 2019
11.张林秀,史耀疆,蔡建华,Scott Rozelle,罗仁福,Alexis Medina,岳爱,曲清和,养育未来-婴幼儿早期发展活动指南1(6~12月龄),上海科学技术出版社,2017
12.张林秀,史耀疆,蔡建华,Scott Rozelle,罗仁福,Alexis Medina,岳爱,曲清和,养育未来-婴幼儿早期发展活动指南2(13~24月龄),上海科学技术出版社,2017
13.张林秀,史耀疆,蔡建华,Scott Rozelle,罗仁福,Alexis Medina,岳爱,曲清和,养育未来-婴幼儿早期发展活动指南3(24~36月龄),上海科学技术出版社,2017
14.张林秀,易红梅,白云丽,宋映泉,刘承芳,罗仁福,史耀疆,王蓉,李桂荣,王晓兵,Scott Rozelle,Prashant Loyalka,莫迪,我国高中阶段教育公共投资战略选择,人民日报出版社,2017
16.Zhang, Linxiu, Chengfang Liu*, Renfu Luo, Hongmei Yi,Yaojiang Shi, Scott Rozelle. 2014. The Transformation of Public Services in Rural China. In Dunford, Michael, and Weidong Liu (eds.): The Geographical Transformation of China. Published(Routledge,2015)
17.John James Kennedy,Yaojiang Shi, “Rule by Virtue, the Mass Line Model and Cadre-Mass Relations” in Shiping Hua ed. East Asian Development Model: The 21st Century Perspectives (Routledge, 2015)
18.John James Kennedy,Yaojiang Shi, “Surveys and learning about village elections and rural China: an analysis of a 2005 national village election survey” in Björn Alpermann ed. Politics and Markets in Rural China (Routledge, 2011)
China Economic Review
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